Our health is our most valuable asset. With it, we are capable of accomplishing nearly anything we set our minds to. With it, we are able to continue growing our careers, supporting our families, and making memories with the people we care about the most. Without it, however, we have nothing.
The team at the Lime in the Coconut Compounding Pharmacy would like to challenge you to dedicate a little more time every week to focusing on your health - but we're not going to send you out into the battlefield unprepared! Here are three simple but effective ways to improve your overall physical (and mental) health.
1. Drink Plenty Of Water - But Not Too Much!
Since the adult human body is made up of 60% water, our bodies rely heavily on proper hydration in order to perform many of its crucial functions. As a few examples, drinking plenty of water...
- Energizes Us
- Reduces Premature Aging of Skin
- Reduces Weight Gain
- Flushes the Kidneys and Bladder
- Improves Joint and Cartilage Repair
- Improves Cognitive Function
2. Stay Active

- Decreasing Hypertension
- Improving Heart Health
- Lowering Blood Pressure
- Reducing the Risk of Osteoporosis
- Improving Blood Flow
- Reducing the Risk of Diabetes
... And the list goes on and on. Keep in mind that you don't have to spend every hour of every day exercising in order to enjoy these health benefits; doing anything to increase your current level of physical activity can help.
3. Cut Down On Your Sugar Intake
America is currently suffering from a sugar epidemic. The American Heart Association recommends that women consume 5 teaspoons of sugar per day and that men consume 9. This may sound manageable, but consider this: a single 12-ounce can of Pepsi contains approximately 10.25 teaspoons of sugar. In a single can of soda, we can surpass (or even double) our daily sugar intake.
Keep in mind that natural sugars (the ones found in raw fruits and vegetables) are a part of our daily sugar count as well. Consuming these natural sugars (in moderation) can be healthy, but consuming copious amounts of natural and added sugars is not. Added sugars are found in almost everything - yogurt, coffee creamer, granola bars, pasta sauce, and even canned beans all have added sugar.
We're not saying that you have to meet the recommended 5 or 9 teaspoons of sugar per day, but we do encourage you to take a critical look at the amount of sugar you're consuming per day and cut back on it wherever possible. You might be amazed by how much better you feel!
The Lime In The Coconut Can Help You Lead A Healthier Lifestyle!
If these tips don't sound like rocket science, it's because they aren't. They're simple to understand and, theoretically, they should be easy to implement. Unfortunately, most of us have a hard time truly incorporating these tips into our daily lives - but we believe in you! If you truly set your mind to it, we have absolutely no doubt that you will be able to enjoy the immense rewards that comes from adopting these suggestions into your lifestyle.
As a specialty compounding pharmacy at the Lake of the Ozarks, we are dedicated to helping our clients lead healthier, happier lives. By specializing in compounded medication in central Missouri, we are able to customize each client's medication to meet his or her unique needs. If you would like more information about how compounded medication can help you, stop by and see us! We look forward to talking with you.
The Lime In The Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy
The Lime In The Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy
Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!
111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
(573) 964-6786
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM