Many people think of massage therapy as a special treat they should only get once or twice per year. Rather than a normal part of healthcare, massage is commonly viewed as a luxury. While it's true that a professional massage can often be considered a special treat, massage therapy is so much more than that. Professional massage therapy offers several distinct health benefits that should not be underestimated. In honor of EveryBody Deserves A Massage Week (July 10-16, 2016), we're dedicating this blog to some of the unique health benefits offered by our massage therapy services at the Lake of the Ozarks.
Reduce Stress
Most health experts agree that a significant percentage of diseases and illnesses are stress-related. By serving as a powerful stress-reliever, massage can greatly reduce your chances of catching various illnesses and improve your overall health.
Improve Skin Health
Many people talk frequently about the importance of maintaining the health of your inner organs, but what about your outermost organ? In addition to being the only one on the outside, the skin is actually the largest organ on the body. Massage can help improve your skin health by conditioning and hydrating it.
Alleviate Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most common ailments in our society. Whether by sitting too many hours a day, carrying loads that are too heavy, holding onto stress, or any number of other possibilities, many people carry a significant amount of tension in their backs. Massage can help relieve this tension, thus helping to alleviate pain.
Condition Muscles
What challenges are your muscles facing? Different life circumstances can lead to tight, weak, or atrophied muscles. An experienced massage therapist should be able to identify which challenge your muscles are facing and apply the appropriate techniques to promote healing.
Ease Pregnancy Aches & Pains

Reduce Cramping / Muscle Spasms
Overworked muscles tend to complain of their overuse by cramping, spasming, or twitching. Massage therapy can offer the therapeutic touch your muscles need to calm down and avoid these unpleasant convulsions.
Promote Tissue Regeneration
If our body does not get the nutritional and therapeutic support it needs, dead and unhealthy tissue may not regenerate. Scar tissue is just one example of the skin health problems that may arise as a result. By promoting tissue regeneration, massage therapy may help reduce the formation of scar tissue and other skin challenges, such as stretch marks.
Release Endorphins
Endorphins are hormones our bodies produce that make us feel happy. Getting a massage can actually cause your body to release more endorphins, leading to a greater sense of happiness, connectedness, and contentment.
And So Much More...
The benefits of massage therapy do not stop there. In addition to these valuable health benefits, massage therapy also contributes to:
- Improved sleep quality
- Improved circulation
- Reduced fatigue
- Improved concentration
- Decreased anxiety
- Decreased headaches
- Improved digestion
What Are You Waiting For?
Considering the vast, varied, and phenomenal health benefits massage therapy offers, we are proud to offer such a valuable service to our valued clients. If you are interested in scheduling your professional massage at the Lake of the Ozarks, call our massage line directly at 573-964-6786 ext. 303. We look forward to hearing from you!
Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!
111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
(573) 964-6786
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
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