Hemoglobin A1C is extremely useful in revealing what the "average" blood sugar has been over the previous ninety days. This is the same standard laboratory measurement used to measure blood sugar control in diabetes.
What many people may not be aware of is the fact that hemoglobin A1C has important implications for your brain health.
The study showed researchers looking at MRI's to determine which lab test correlated best with brain atrophy, and found that the hemoglobin A1C demonstrated the most powerful relationship. They commented:
"When comparing the degree of brain tissue loss in those individuals with the lowest hemoglobin A1C (4.4 - 5.2) to those having the highest hemoglobin A1C (5.9 - 9.0), the brain loss in those with the highest hemoglobin A1C was almost doubled during a six year period." (emphasis added)Metaid can help lower your hemoglobin A1C and save your brain.
Contact our Lake of the Ozarks compounding pharmacy learn more about Metaid and to pick up your personal supply today!
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