What's The Big Deal With Vitamin D?
So we might have lower-than-perfect levels of this particular vitamin... what's the big deal? The truth is that a vitamin D deficiency can actually be a very "big deal." According to WebMD, the health risks associated with a vitamin D deficiency can include:
- Cognitive impairment in older adults
- Increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Severe asthma in children
- Cancer
That's not all. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a vitamin D deficiency can also cause:
- Schizophrenia
- Depression
- Osteoporosis
- Muscle Weakness / Aches
Maintaining proper levels of vitamin D is crucial to our overall health. Here are a few signs and symptoms that could point to a vitamin D deficiency.
1. Your Head Sweats A Lot
Believe it not, a sweaty head is one of the classic first symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency. In fact, doctors used to ask new mothers if their infants' heads sweated frequently in order to determine whether or not the babies may be deficient in vitamin D.
2. You Feel Sad Or Depressed
Serotonin, the hormone associated with happy and positive moods, has been shown to have a positive correlation with vitamin D levels. If you're feeling down a lot of the time, your vitamin D levels could be low.
3. Your Muscles Are Weak
Have you noticed that your muscles seem to wear out easily and you tired more quickly than you used to - even if you're getting adequate amounts of sleep? This could be a symptom of a vitamin D deficiency.
4. Your Bones Are Achy
Vitamin D has a large role to play in strengthening your bones and keeping them healthy. Having low levels of vitamin D could cause your bones to ache.
5. You Have An Unhealthy Gut
If you have celiac disease, Crohn's disease, or other gastrointestinal conditions that make it difficult for you to absorb fat, you may also have a vitamin D deficiency. This is because vitamin D is fat-soluble; your body collects it by absorbing it in its fat.
6. You Are Overweight
As we just discussed, vitamin D is fat-soluble. If you have excess body fat absorbing all of your vitamin D, your vitamin D could get diluted. You may need to take vitamin D supplements in order to make up for this.

How Can I Improve My Levels Of Vitamin D?
Once you've established that your vitamin D levels are low (or if you simply suspect that they could be), you will want to take steps to increase these levels. Spending more time outside (without being covered in excess clothing or sunscreen) is a great way to start, but there are also several foods that can serve as sources of vitamin D:
- Fatty fish
- Fortified yogurt
- Canned tuna fish or sardines
- Eggs
- Dole's Portobello Mushrooms
- Fortified orange juice
- Fortified milk
Get Your Vitamin D Supplements At The Lime!
Eating foods that are rich in vitamin D is important, but we recommend taking a vitamin D supplement as well to ensure that your body is getting the proper amounts of vitamin D that it needs to thrive. These supplements are available over the counter at most pharmacies and health food stores - including our compounding pharmacy at the Lake of the Ozarks! Stop by and see us to get yours today.
The Lime In The Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy
The Lime In The Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy
Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!
111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
(573) 964-6786
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
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