9 Tips To Stay Healthy This Thanksgiving
1. Eat Before Thanksgiving Dinner
Some people avoid eating before the official Thanksgiving meal, but if you're trying to be healthy this Thanksgiving, we recommend you eat a normal breakfast and lunch before the main meal. If you starve yourself beforehand, you will be more likely to overeat.
2. Protect Yourself From Temptation
Why sit right next to the platter of soft, warm cookies? It will be hard enough to resist your favorite treats as is; why make it harder on yourself by putting it right within arm's reach? You may be better off sitting next to an entrée that isn't your favorite - or away from all of the serving dishes altogether!
3. Bring A Healthy Dish To Share
It's no secret that many of Thanksgiving's favorite dishes are less than perfect for our health. Rather than limiting yourself to the unhealthy options that your friends and family members may bring, make a healthy dish to share. Sweet potatoes (without all the added sugar) make for a wonderfully healthy option!
4. Eat Slowly

5. Do Something Physically Active
What's worse than overeating? Overeating and not doing anything to work off the extra calories. If you want to stay healthy this Thanksgiving, start your morning off with a brisk walk. If you're up to it, try some sort of family activity before or after your big meal too, such as going for a hike or hanging out at the park.
6. Limit Your Sweets
It's no secret that eating large quantities of sugar is bad for your health. It can be hard to resist the multitude of desserts that are available on Thanksgiving, but we encourage you to limit your sugar intake. Try not to go back for that extra slice of pie!
7. Put More Vegetables And Salad On Your Plate
Your plate has a finite amount of space. If you fill the majority of your plate (or at the very least, half) with vegetables and/or salad, you will not have as much room left over to for the high-calorie entrées. As long as you limit your portion sizes, there's no need to deprive yourself of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes!
8. Don't Go Back For Seconds
Resisting the urge to fill your plate a second time is the best way to avoid overeating on Thanksgiving. Choose your entrées carefully the first time around - and when your plate is empty, stop eating! You can always enjoy the leftovers later.
9. Drink Lots Of Water
Many of the foods served on Thanksgiving are high in sodium, and high amounts of sodium can dehydrate our bodies. Drinking alcohol can also cause us to become dehydrated. Stay head of the curve by drinking lots of water throughout the day. (As an added bonus, drinking lots of water may also be able to help you avoid overeating.)
Happy Thanksgiving From The Lime!
All of us at the Lake of the Ozarks' best compounding pharmacy hope you have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving weekend! Please remember that your health is our top priority; if you are ever in need of a new pharmacy at the Lake of the Ozarks or if you are looking for alternative healthcare in Missouri, look no further than the Lime in the Coconut Compounding Pharmacy. Our team is sure to have something that meets your needs!
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111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
(573) 964-6786
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