Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Your INDIVIDUAL Athlete Deserves INDIVIDUAL Medicine

We have talked a lot about compounded medication at the Lake of the Ozarks, and by this time you have surely figured out that compounding can benefit people from all walks of life in a wide variety of different situations. This week, we thought we would take a closer look at athletes and how compounding can help them through their unique situations.

Why Sports Compounding?

Athletes lead fast-paced and challenging lives. Not only is their well-being hindered when they experience an injury or health challenge - their entire lifestyle is at stake. Athletes' injuries are as distinct and varied as the athletes themselves, and we firmly believe that every individual athlete deserves access to individualized medication that is designed to fit their unique needs.

Compounding allows the doctors, trainers, athletic patients, and pharmacists at the Lake of the Ozarks to work together to create a unique dosage that is specifically tailored to the individual athlete.

Strength Variations

A 280-lb offensive lineman requires a very different physical training strategy than a 175-lb shortstop requires. Similarly, these athletes require different dosages of medication for best results. Commercial medications only come in specific dosage amounts, but our Lake of the Ozarks compounding pharmacy and customize the strength of every medication to match each of our athlete's individual needs.

Unique Dosage Forms

As with our other types of compounded medications, we can deliver athlete's medication is a variety of different dosage forms. Depending on the athlete's specific situation, we can create the medication as...
  • Tablets
  • Capsules
  • Gels
  • Creams
  • Troches
  • Sublingual Drops
  • Sublingual Tablets
  • Suppositories

While tablets and capsules are great in certain situation, our ability to deliver our customized medication at the Lake of the Ozarks in several different forms (specifically topical gels and creams) gives us a huge advantage. Medication taken orally must pass through the digestive system before finally ending up in the right location - assuming it doesn't get channeled somewhere else altogether. By applying the medication topically, we can be confident that it will reach the specific trigger point for maximum effect.

What Athletes Can Benefit From Compounding?

Compounding does not discriminate; athletes from all different disciplines have enjoyed great results by taking compounded medication. Swimmers can get treatment for swimmer's ear and fungal problems, for example, and bowlers can get relief from stresses on the wrist and finger joints. Joggers can be treated for swelling and muscle pain. 

Almost every repetitive sport (such as golf, tennis, and softball) can lead to chronic injuries without proper care and attention. If you (or other athletes you know) have suffered from sports-related pain or injuries, as your doctor how compounding medication could help you. For more information, contact one of our team at the Lime in the Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy. We look forward to helping you in any way we can!

The Lime In The Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy
Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!

111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

(573) 964-6786

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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