Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Meet & Greet With Julie Danforth

We are proud and incredibly blessed to have been serving as one of the best pharmacies at the Lake of the Ozarks for over nine years, but we didn't get here by accident. We owe our success to the incredible team we have built over the years. We have dedicated some of our previous blogs to helping you get to know some of the people who work at The Lime In The Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy: Owner Sharon Hagan. Pharmacy Technician Cyndie Riffel, and Office Manager Elyse Diefenbach. This week, we're continuing the tradition by introducing you to another one of our outstanding pharmacy techs - Ms. Julie Danforth. 

1. Where Did You Grow Up?

I was born in Chillicothe, Missouri, but moved to St. Charles, Missouri when I was nine years old. I spent most of my life there until we moved to the Lake.

2. Where Did You Attend School?
I graduated high school from Francis Howell School District in 1981.

3. What Brought You To The Lake Of The Ozarks?

My husband's job brought us to the Lake in 2004.

4. Who Is Your Family?

My husband Jeff and I just celebrated our 27th anniversary. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful son-in-law. Danielle and Zach currently live in Kansas City, and Rachel attends the University of Central Missouri.

Julie and Jeff Danforth
5. How Did You Get Started In The Compounding Industry?
I have been a patient of the Lime from the beginning. I always thought it would be a wonderful place to work. I was ready for a change of employment and Sharon took a chance on me! I've been here for two years now, and I couldn't be happier.

6. What Is Your Favorite Thing About Your Job?

I love working in the lab compounding different formulas. it feels great knowing that I am helping our patients get better.

7. What Is Something You Wish Everyone Knew About Compounding?

I wish everyone knew that each compound is made specifically for the patient.

8. If You Could Travel Anywhere In The World, Where Would You Go And Why?

I would love to go back to Hawaii and explore all four islands.

9. What Is Your Favorite Thing To Do When You're Not At Work?
I love to read and shop - of course!

Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!

111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

(573) 964-6786 

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday, June 20, 2016

7 Best Foods To Eat When You Have A Cold

We usually think of cold and flu season as something that occurs during the cooler months, but it seems like everyone has been battling a nasty cold lately. While some of it may just be allergies, it seems hard to deny that many people around the Lake are battling a particularly stubborn cold or cough that simply doesn't want to let up.

If you have been struggling to overcome an ongoing cough or cold, our specialty compounding pharmacy at the Lake of the Ozarks is here to help you get back on your feet. Medicine, supplements, and diet all play an important role in combating an illness.

Best Foods To Eat When You Have A Cold

While we certainly recommend and encourage you to take medicines and supplements designed to combat the symptoms you are experiencing, it's important to recognize that your diet and overall nutrition play an important role in the healing process as well. If you have been struggling with a cold or cough, we recommend incorporating some (or all) of the following list of foods into your diet.

1. Garlic
Garlic contains a powerful antioxidant that works wonders for your immune system. People who take garlic are less likely to get sick in the first place, and those who do get sick typically recover much faster. Its health benefits are strongest when it is consumed raw.

2. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, are high in vitamin C. Since eating lemons is usually rather unpleasant, you can substitute by putting slices of it in hot tea or water. (As a side note, red bell peppers are also high in vitamin C.)

3. Fish
Oily fish contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the inflammation that may be preventing your immune system from fully functioning. Tuna, salmon, and mackerel are all good options.

4. Hot Tea
Hot tea does more than soothe a sore throat; the right tea can also provide your body with valuable nutrients. For best results, we recommend drinking immune-boosting herbal teas, such as echinacea or elderberry. Don't forget to add lemon and honey!

5. Greek Yogurt
Bacteria isn't always a bad thing - in fact, good bacteria is essential to maintaining proper health. Greek yogurt is high in probiotics that can help replenish strains of healthy bacteria in your gut. Watch the sugar content in the yogurt you choose, however - a large amount of sugar may actually counteract the positive effects of the probiotics.

6. Mushrooms
Believe it or not, mushrooms may also be a health "super food." Most of the mushrooms commonly found in grocery stores contain fiber, vitamin B, potassium, and several immune-boosting antioxidants.

7. Dark Leafy Greens
Leafy greens are packed with enough nutrients to practically keep you healthy all on their own. Kale, beat tops, arugula, spinach, and other dark greens contain vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, folate, fiber, and cartenoids (among other things). A general rules is that the darker the leaf, the more health benefits it offers.

The Lime Is Here To Help With Your Health-Related Needs

Eating these types of nutrient-rich foods is a great place to start, but your efforts to keep your body healthy shouldn't stop there. Consistent exercise is also important, and you may want to consider taking a few over-the-counter supplements as well. 

One of the supplements we highly recommend is vitamin D. Proper amounts of vitamin D are essential in order to maintain optimum health. Good levels of vitamin D promote strong bone health, reduce the risk of upper respiratory infections, and boost the immune system. Unfortunately, most Americans suffer from a chronic vitamin D deficiency. Spending more time in the sun can help improve your vitamin D levels, as well as consuming mushrooms and fortified milk or orange juice. Dietary supplements can be incredibly beneficial as well.

Get Your Supplements At The Lime!

We are proud to offer a variety of immune-boosting healthy supplements, including vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and many more. If you or someone you know is suffering from a stubborn cold, stop by our pharmacy in Lake Ozark MO to pick up your over-the-counter supplements. Our friendly staff will be happy to answer any of your questions!

Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!

111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

(573) 964-6786

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday, June 13, 2016

Optimizing Men's Health At The Lake

At The Lime in the Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy, we talk a lot about helping our clients maintain optimum health. While the majority of our clients are women, we offer many services that are specifically geared towards male clientele. Since June is National Men's Health Month, and this week (June 13-19) is International Men's Health Week, we decided to dedicate this week's blog to discussing some of the unique services we offer for men in our area.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Women aren't the only ones who go through major hormonal shifts as they age. Most men begin going through andropause after age forty, at which point their testosterone levels will gradually drop throughout the rest of their lives. These changing hormone levels can result in several symptoms, including:
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Sexual Challenges

Like women, aging men who receive bioidentical hormone therapy at the Lake of the Ozarks often see dramatic improvements in their physical and emotional states. To learn more about BHRT and how it may be able to ease your symptoms of andropause, contact our pharmacy in Lake Ozark MO.

Deep Tissue Massage & CranioSacral Therapy

Whether from their careers, hobbies, or household chores, many men perform strenuous physical tasks on a fairly regular basis. Staying active is good for maintaining strength and overall health, but performing too many strenuous tasks can begin to take its toll on the body. It's important for men to give their bodies time to relax, recover, and rejuvenate before moving on to the next project. Our licensed massage therapist at the Lake of the Ozarks is skilled in two distinct practice areas that may benefit men in these situations:
  • Deep Tissue Massage is excellent for digging down and working the deeper muscles, tendons, and tissues of the body that may have become strained due to physical over-exertion. An experienced therapist should be able to listen to your body's signals and work the areas most in need of assistance, thus helping to alleviate chronic muscle pain.
  • CranioSacral Therapy is very different from deep tissue massage in that it utilizes a very light touch of often no more than 5 grams (approximately the weight of a nickel). This light pressure allows the therapist to work without the body putting up any of the defenses that sometimes come in conjunction with heavier pressure. A skilled therapist should be able to use CranioSacral Therapy to identify and treat the true causes of pain to achieve optimum results, rather than simply treating the symptoms.

Remember The Lime For All Of Your Health-Related Needs!

Bioidentical hormone therapy, massage therapy, and CranioSacral Therapy are simply a few of the services we offer to men in our area. Our compounded medication at the Lake of the Ozarks has proven to help men overcome a myriad of other health challenges, including (but not limited to):
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic Pain
  • Exercise & Sports Injuries
  • Weight Gain
  • Headaches / Migraines
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Warts
  • Snoring

We are honored and humbled to have the opportunity to help the men in our area better maintain their health. To learn more about how we may be able to help you, contact our pharmacy. We truly look forward to serving you!

Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!

111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

(573) 964-6786

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

9 Myths About Migraines

If you have never had a migraine, it may be impossible for you to understand how truly all-consuming and debilitating such intense headaches can be. The blinding pain caused by migraines and other severe headaches can make it impossible to function. Contrary to some popular beliefs, migraines do not only afflict individuals of specific ages, lifestyles, or other overarching characteristics; the truth is that almost anyone could fall victim to a migraine at some point in their life. In honor of National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month, the Lime in the Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy is here to shed some light some of the lesser-known aspects of these debilitating headaches.

9 Myths About Migraines

As we just discussed, some people wrongly assume that migraines affect people from specific walks of life. However, this isn't the only misconception surrounding migraines in our culture. Here are a few other common myths about migraines.

MYTH #1: All migraines can be treated with painkillers.
FACT: Depending on their nature and cause, some migraines may only respond to alternative treatments such as compounded medication or CranioSacral Therapy.

MYTH #2: Migraines only last for 24 hours.
FACT: While some migraines only last for a day, most range from one to four days in duration. Some last even longer, continuing for days, weeks, and even months.

MYTH #3: A migraine is simply an intense headache.
FACT: A migraine is actually a disease - a long-lasting, debilitating health condition. The headaches people experience are, in fact, a symptom of their condition. In order to be diagnosed with migraine, you must exhibit some other symptoms such as blurred vision, constipation, food cravings, and depression.

MYTH #4: Migraines are the result of stress, depression, or other psychological factors.
FACT: Psychological factors such as stress are a frequent cause of standard headaches, but they do not cause migraines. In order to be classified as an actual migraine, it must be the result of a physiological problem.

MYTH #5: Migraines are limited to people with certain personality types.
FACT: Migraines stem from genetic or neurological causes, not personality types, and can affect people of any personality type.

MYTH #6: Migraines are independent conditions that cannot lead to other complications.
FACT: If left untreated for a significant amount of time, migraines have been known to lead to other serious health conditions including loss of vision, aneurysms, stroke, and (in extreme cases) even death.

MYTH #7: Migraines will be properly diagnosed and treated by doctors.
FACT: Migraines are one of the most misdiagnosed and misunderstood health conditions our society faces. According to the National Migraine Association, 60% of women and 70% of men with Migraine have never been diagnosed with their disease.

MYTH #8: All migraines are alike.
FACT: Every migraine is different; the severity and specific symptoms patients experience vary greatly from one to the next. This is one possible reason why migraines are so commonly misdiagnosed.

MYTH #9: There is no known treatment for migraines.
FACT: Migraines have been shown to positively respond to proper treatment, such as compounded medication that has been specifically designed for the patient in question. Our CranioSacral Therapist at the Lake of the Ozarks has also achieved outstanding results in helping patients overcome migraines that had been untouched by any of their preceding efforts.

Suffering From Migraines? Contact The Lime In The Coconut
If you have dealt with migraines in the past, it is imperative that you don't continue to suffer in silence. As National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month, June provides the perfect opportunity to speak out about your condition and seek the medical and therapeutic help you need. For more information our migraine treatment services at the Lake of the Ozarks, visit our website at or call us at 573-964-6786.

Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!

111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

(573) 964-6786

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Thursday, June 2, 2016

7 Indications Your Hormones May Be Out Of Balance

As our bodies' natural chemical messengers, hormones control everything from our bodily functions to our emotional states to our development and growth. If your hormones become imbalanced (even if only slightly), they can wreak havoc on your system. It's important to take steps to bring your hormones back into balance as quickly as possible, but how can you tell when they are out of whack?

7 Signs Your Hormones Are Out Of Balance

Since we specialize in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) at the Lake of the Ozarks, we work a great deal with both women and men who are suffering from the effects of imbalanced hormones. Here are a few signs we have identified that frequently indicate imbalanced hormones.

1. Inexplicable Weight Gain Or Loss
Your metabolism is in charge of burning necessary calories for energy and storing excess calories for fat. Hormones are in charge of regulating the metabolism, so if you are experiencing sudden weight gain or loss, it may be an indication that your hormones are off-balance.

2. Insomnia
The body's natural sleep cycle is governed by the circadian rhythms. This rhythm, in turn, is predominantly governed by hormones. If your hormones become imbalanced, you may experience a variety of sleep problems, such as reduced sleep quality and difficulty falling or staying asleep.

3. Excessive Sweating
Excessive sweating can be the result of hyper- and/or hypothyroidism. It can also stem from the hormonal changes that frequently accompany menopause and/or hormonal birth control. Excessive sweating is frequently associated with the common menopause symptom known as hot flashes.

4. Mood Swings
Mood swings are possibly the most well-known symptom frequently caused by imbalanced hormones. You could be happy and relaxed one minute, and then suddenly end up in tears - even from something as harmless as burnt toast. Over-charged emotional outbursts frequently accompany these mood swings.

5. Decreased Sex Drive
Because it stems from our species' natural reproductive urges, sex drive is largely regulated by the reproductive hormones (mainly testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone). If these hormones become imbalanced, you may notice a decrease in your sex drive.

6. Chronic Fatigue
In light of the other symptoms we have discussed thus far, you probably won't be surprised to learn that exhaustion is another complaint commonly experienced by people with imbalanced hormones. Inadequate sleep, emotionally-charged outbursts, and inhibited metabolism can all be very tiring.

7. Consistent Cravings
We've all been there - one minute you're focusing on something at home or work, and the next minute you can't stop thinking about a specific type of food or beverage. Cravings are more than irrational urges, however; they are usually your body indicating is in need of a certain nutrient due to a hormonal imbalance.

Curious About Your Hormonal Balance? Contact Us!

The stereotype is that women suffer from greater hormonal challenges than men do, but the reality is that both men and women can experience the challenges often associated with imbalanced hormones. If you would like to learn more about your hormonal balance, visit our compounding pharmacy in Lake Ozark MO. We can offer saliva tests to determine your current hormonal balance, and we offer bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to help bring things back into balance when necessary. We would be honored to help you in any way we can!

Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!

111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

(573) 964-6786 

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM