Tuesday, November 17, 2015

8 Reasons To Consider CranioSacral Therapy

We have talked before about the healing potential of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), but understanding its basic concepts and understanding its real-life applications are two very different things. This week, our CranioSacral Therapist in central Missouri is here to examine with you some of the different uses of CranioSacral Therapy and when it might be applicable to you and your situation. (If you missed our original blog post about CranioSacral therapy, view it here.)

8 Reasons To Consider CST

Here are a few examples of different situations when CranioSacral Therapy may be able to benefit you.

1. You Have Chronic Headaches
Chronic headaches and migraines can be caused for any number of different reasons, but they almost always have one thing in common: they are a result of tension stemming from somewhere in the skull, neck, or shoulders. Since its primary function is to relieve tensions in the body, many people have had excellent success using CST to relieve their headaches.

2. You Are Experiencing Pain From Past Surgeries
While it is absolutely necessary in some situations, surgery may also cause several undesirable repercussions. Because surgery is often traumatic to the body, many people suffer from significant tension and stiffness after surgery. The formation of scar tissue can also create tension. CST can work to help relieve these tensions to bring your body back into a better balance.

3. You Experienced Challenges During Childbirth
It is no secret that birthing puts a great deal of strain on the body. If you experienced a difficult birth, your body may be holding onto tensions and trauma that you are consciously unaware of. In fact, a traumatic birth may be the root cause of many seemingly unrelated issues. CST can help to discover the root of your pain and work to cure it at the source.

4. You Are Pregnant
While CST can be very helpful to mothers who have given birth in the past, it can also be enormously beneficial to expecting mothers. CranioSacral Therapy can help alleviate many of the symptoms commonly associated with pregnancy, including back pain, headaches, and nausea. Studies have also shown that women who receive consistent CST treatments during pregnancy enjoy easier and shorter labors.

5. Your Own Birth Was Traumatic
People are quick to talk about the impact difficult births have on the mothers, but what about the infants coming into the world? Birthing complications can have a huge impact on their tiny bodies, the results of which can sometimes be felt for years to come. Our certified CranioSacral Therapist at the Lake of the Ozarks can help identify which of your symptoms may be linked to your own birth and can help facilitate healing.

6. You Suffer From Joint Pain

Our joints have major roles to play in our bodies. Just like our sense of balance, our joints require many different components to cooperate successfully in order to function properly. If anything is even remotely out of place, it can cause significant pain and discomfort. CranioSacral Therapy may be able to help bring everything back into proper alignment.

7. You Have Problems Balancing

Our sense of balance relies on the careful coordination between many participating factors, all of which are found in the inner ear. The inner ear is made of up of multiple bones, fluid-filled canals, and other components that must work together for us to balance. If you are having trouble balancing, CST may be able to help bring these many components back into alignment.

8. You Suffer From Emotional Or Anxiety Disorders
The modern medical world pays little attention to the relationship between our emotional and physical experiences, but the fact remains that the two are irrevocably linked. Through its gentle, hands-on approach, CST can help uncover and heal the emotional issues that are subconsciously linked to your body's outward symptoms.

Call Darin To Schedule Your Private Session Today!

These examples offer a great sampling of the different types of situations in which CST can be helpful, but in truth, this short list barely scratches the surface of the incredible healing potential that CranioSacral Therapy has to offer. If you have more questions about CranioSacral Therapy at the Lake of the Ozarks or if you would like to book your session, call Darin Puppel at 573-964-6786 ext. 303. Your body will thank you!

Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!

111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

(573) 964-6786


8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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