Thursday, July 20, 2017

HCG & How it Can Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight can be so difficult at times. Sometimes, it it just very hard to get the results you want. We here at The Lime In The Coconut have a secret weapon for you that help you lose weight, it's called HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. In this blog, the best compounding pharmacy at the Lake of the Ozarks will discuss what HCG is, a few frequently asked questions we have received and answered about it, and how the HCG diet works.


HCG (or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone that is naturally produced in a woman's body during pregnancy. It's unique effect on the hypothalamus causes the body to use excess fat as its main energy source. This leads to the body actually using the fat it has stored. This can cause impressive weight loss.

Frequently Asked Questions About The HCG Diet

Q: How Much Weight Can I Lose?

A: It depends. Everybody's bodies are different. If you follow the HCG diet as specified, you should expect to lose anywhere from 15 to 35 pounds by the end of the program,.

Q: How Do I Administer HCG?

A: It can be administered a couple of different ways:

  •  form of sublingual drops
  •  nasal spray, 
whichever you would prefer. Both are available for both the 26- or 40-day schedule.

Q: Is HCG Dangerous To Men Since Its Found In Pregnant Women?

A: No, in the past, men who have taken HCG actually tend to lose weight quicker than women do. There have been no reports of men experiencing adverse side effects or a decrease in sexual function.

The HCG Diet Process

In order to achieve success with the HCG diet, we recommend following two specific regimens: 

  • taking a dose of HCG every day  
  • limiting yourself to a daily intake of 500 calories. For best results, we believe sticking with the diet for either 26 or 40 days (whichever works for your schedule). 

By limiting your caloric intake to only 500 calories per day, you allow your body to burn the excess fat it has stored. 

Interested? Stop by the Lime in the Coconut Today!

If you would like to learn more about the HCG diet or if you are ready to get started with your own weight loss program, stop by and see our friendly staff at The Lime In The Coconut Specialty Compounding Pharmacy! Our experienced staff will is happy to answer any questions you may have. We can't wait to see you!

Feel As Good On The Inside As You Do On The Outside!

111 Crossings West, Suite 6
PO Box 2145
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

(573) 964-6786


8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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